IEC Corporation provided Owner’s Engineering services from conceptual engineering through construction for the McClellan Retrofit Project to upgrade the plant from 49MW to 80MW. IEC’s tasks included project engineering, project management support, field engineering, and construction management services. The 80MW Peaker Plant, owned and operated by SMUD, is located on the former McClellan Air Force Base. The retrofit was performed to ensure the plant complied with California emissions requirements. To assist SMUD in moving the project to completion, IEC provided construction management oversight, contracts management, RFP development, quality control, cost control, contractor negotiations, and other construction management duties.
Part of our responsibilities also included developing project design criteria and detailed civil, mechanical, and electrical specifications associated with the switchgear, power system stabilizer, fin fan coolers, exhaust duct system, inlet cooling system, SCR system, and continuous emissions monitoring equipment. Due to the tight specifications written by IEC, a contractor was unable to avoid liability when it made an error. The contractor was forced to pay liquated damages to SMUD as a result.