SMUD owns and operates five GE LM6000 combustion turbines at two cogeneration sites in Sacramento. The Carson Ice Cogen (CVFA) has one LM6000 PA unit in combined cycle and one LM6000 PA unit in simple cycle. The Procter & Gamble Cogen (SCA) has two LM6000 PA turbines in combined cycle with one steam turbine, and one LM6000 PC turbine in simple cycle.
All units were being upgraded to LM6000 PC SPRINT/EPS models (water injected for NOx control). These upgrades were expected to increase output by about 7MW per turbine while reducing the carbon footprint on a per-megawatt basis.
In support of the upgrade, IEC provided preliminary engineering services, including balance of plant engineering and CEQA support. IEC worked with GE to develop the technical data needed for the proposed amendment to the air permit. Our experts performed site visits, reviewed plans, and prepared the preliminary engineering analysis that was the basis for scope preparation for the EPC contract. Preliminary engineering included scoping controls upgrades, pumping and piping requirements, and water balance for SPRINT/EPS upgrades. IEC was also responsible for preparing the technical RFP and supporting scope documents that SMUD issued for EPC services and upgrades. IEC provided Owner’s Engineering and Field Engineering for all mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation upgrades during the plant outages.