Advanced Renewables

Advanced Renewables

Equipment Evaluation for Food Waste to Energy Facility

IEC conducted equipment evaluation for SMUD's Food Waste to Energy Facility.



IEC supported SMUD with a local demonstration project to test success in preparing solid food waste for co-digestion and energy production. IEC conducted an investigation of the available equipment necessary for the project. An initial review of manufacturers and equipment models allowed us to narrow down the options to those manufacturers offering products and models suitable for handling the type and volume of waste being generated. IEC then worked with the manufacturers and dealers to obtain equipment costs and other associated fees to determine the most cost effective option for the pilot. Concurrently with the equipment investigation, IEC also began identifying and evaluating potential host sites based on waste streams, site logistics, host interest level, and location distance from Elk Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant to determine the best fit for the demonstration project.

IEC conducted equipment evaluation for SMUD's Food Waste to Energy Facility.
IEC conducted equipment evaluation for SMUD's Food Waste to Energy Facility.