IEC performed pre-feasibility studies of two sites with potential for cogeneration with biogas. Our engineers evaluated the potential benefit of using waste heat from electric generation using biogas at both the Campbell Soup facility in Sacramento and the Rio Cosumnes Correction Center (RCCC) in Elk Grove.
The Campbell Soup site had potential for installation of a biodigester at the plant to process wastewater before sending it down the sewer. IEC determined the size of a reciprocating engine or turbine that could support the estimated amount of biogas. IEC also identified opportunities to use any additional waste heat generated, as well as preliminary sites for a digester, generator, and tie-ins for waste heat. The RCCC site is located within two miles of a cluster of dairies participating in a study of a centralized dairy digester. Based on the estimate of biogas potential, IEC determined the feasibility of generating electricity and heat at the RCCC, the opportunities for use of the generated waste heat, and the estimated value of that waste heat to the RCCC. IEC also identified preliminary sites at the RCCC for the generator and a preliminary gas pipeline route.