Advanced Renewables

Advanced Renewables

Biomass Colloquium Facilitation

IEC was awarded an open-ended contract to help facilitate and record minutes of the biomass colloquium/focus group meetings.



SMUD is in the process of developing an integrated resource plan and is interested in developing cost-effective renewable biomass resources in SMUD’s territory and balancing authority. SMUD is interested to solicit inputs from customers and other stakeholders through colloquiums or focus group meetings that will provide forum for discussing technical, economic, environmental and institutional challenges; RD&D priorities and other related issues and potential solutions. IEC was awarded an open-ended contract to help facilitate and record minutes of the biomass colloquium/focus group meetings. Following the initial meeting, IEC prepared a summary report of the results of the focus group meeting and provided recommendations and next steps for future focus groups.

IEC was awarded an open-ended contract to help facilitate and record minutes of the biomass colloquium/focus group meetings.
IEC was awarded an open-ended contract to help facilitate and record minutes of the biomass colloquium/focus group meetings.