IEC worked with the Procter & Gamble Operations & Maintenance personnel and the construction contractor to design structures, foundations, and piping for upgrades to their existing facility. IEC designed a large, 40-foot-tall steel structure containing heat exchangers piping and pumps, as well as other miscellaneous foundations for a heat exchanger, holding tank, and pumps. IEC staff created detailed drawings for the new structures and foundations for the contractor. These new structures and foundations had to be carefully integrated around existing structures and foundations.
Company personnel analyzed the piping with a stress analysis program called Caesar II to show compliance with ASME B31.1 code requirements. Pipe hangers and pipe supports were selected and located to minimize stress on the piping, and pipe routing was determined by field visits and inspection of existing structures and obstacles. IEC provided stress analysis calculations and reports for each pipeline, as well as pipe support fabrication details and spring hanger sizing for the contractor.
IEC worked closely with the owner and the contractor to meet specific preference requirements and to be economically sensitive while putting safety at the forefront of the design solutions.