IEC Corporation provided substation design engineering services for the Consolidated Electrical Distributors (CED) 50MW Macho Springs Wind Farm (Phase 1) in New Mexico. The Macho Springs Wind Farm was a fast-track project that consists of twenty-eight 1.8MW Vestas V100 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs).
The IEC design team completed detailed designs for the new 345kV Ring Bus, Macho Springs Switching Station, the 345kV/34.5kV Macho Springs Substation, and the wind farm’s electrical collection and SCADA systems. Responsibilities included design of the site layout, ground grid, bus structures, wireway routing, communications, power, controls, metering and protection schemes, relay coordination and settings, performing calculations for equipment sizing, wireway fill and voltage drop, battery sizing, shielding analysis, energy loss analysis, cable thermal modeling, and writing technical specifications for new substation equipment.